3 Freaking Things

I was tagged by Stacy the Magic Love Crow for Three Freaking Things. :)
Fun, fun!

Here goes...

Three Places I go:
►My dream world, which can happen at anytime of the day or night (thanks Stacy! ;)

Three Crushes I Have:
►I more than crush on... I ♥ my fiancee.  He gives me butterflies!
►My muses... supportive, loving, encouraging friends
►My kitty cats.  I wanna love them and hold them and squeeze them tight!
(yes, my cat Princess actually looks like this when I pick her up but tell me why she's constantly following me around meowing if she doesn't want attention?!)

Three Smells that I Love:
►My man, with or without cologne
►Dinner cooking on the stove
►I'm a sucker for incense, oils and candles

Three Favorite TV Shows:
►Dexter, I'm sorta addicted (and only on season 4!)
►Jersey Shore (yes, yes... I'm a reality tv junkie)
►TMZ (gawd I admitted it)

Three Favorite Movies:
►I can't pick just one!
So here's a list of movies I've watched more than a few (translation: millions of) times and can recite lines at the drop of a hat. heh.

In no particular order: The Color Purple, My Big Fat Greek WeddingAustralia,Willy Wonka & The Chocolate FactoryPretty Woman, The Little Princess, Stealing Beauty, True Romance, Silence of the Lambs, Good Will Hunting, Overboard, Labryinth, A Bronx Tale, Julie & Julia, The Beastmaster, The Secret of NIMH, Hocus Pocus, Forces of Nature

Three Recommendations:
►Buy organic food
►Try yoga/pilates

Three People that I’d Love to Read Their 3s or 4s or 5s...
Eimear Brennan of Drawn to Fairytales
Wendy of Year Cats
Love of the Goddess

Three Things about Me that You Don't Know:
►I moved across the country with a friend when I was 22
►I am Mexican (mother) and Greek (father)
►I'm really good with games like dominoes and scrabble

Now I invite you to play along and list your 3 freaking things! :)
If you do, let me know so I can visit! :)


  1. Misty, so cool! I love Dexter too! I don't know how they are going to bring back next season? Oh, and I love Barenaked Ladies! I forgot to put them on my list! And, I love Australia and Willy Wonka! There is so many things I forgot to list! LOL! I love your three crushes and three smells! Excellent! So much fun getting to know you! Have a great day!

  2. I forgot, I really like your three recommendations ;o)))

  3. Hi Stacy! I forgot to mention that I'm only on season 4 of Dexter! Don't tell me what's going to happen! :)
    Aren't the Barenaked Ladies badass?!
    They make me laugh with their silly antics!
    I keep trying to get a friend to watch Australia as I say in accent: "I'm going to do the walk-about!" That little boy is so cute I want to put him in my pocket and carry him around all day! :)

    haha, I wouldn't be an earth girl if I didn't have recommendations like that *giggle*

    I had some difficulty choosing three things on some, which is why I did that movie list, lol!

    Thanks for the tag, it was fun! :)

  4. I will keep my mouth shut about Dexter! Lucky I didn't say anything in my first comment ;o)
    Have a great one my friend ;o)
    (I found it hard choosing three things too! That's why it took me so long to answer!)

  5. Yay! Another woman addicted to the smell of her man! And you love Dexter? Are you sure you are not related to me?


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