Goddess Wine Glass Charms

Busy busy busy!
In between my busy bee-ness I made some wine glass charms.  I call these the "Goddess" wine glass charms.  Posted in my ETSY shop (click for link).
I'm also making earring and necklace sets from some of my drawings for a friends birthday:

See other Creative Spaces here


  1. Love the goddess wine glass charms!! Your friend will love her gifts I am sure. Isn't it great to be creative and we can give gifts that we make especially for the people we care about !!

  2. Misty, everything looks amazing! You busy girl!! Are your heart pendants prints or hand painted? Your friends will love the gifts! I know I would ;o)

  3. These look so amazing...I love the goddess wine glass charms!

  4. Like your work....a lot! Not average, so that is good!

  5. you give everything you create such a loving, light filled touch.
    walk in beauty.

  6. Gifts that come from the soul... such lucky friends!

  7. Misty, I agree with ALL the comments!!! Everything looks light, uplifted and very loving...and fun!! I really enjoy seeing this! :)

  8. Thanks so much everyone for all of your lovely comments!!! I've been so busy with everything that I almost forgot to make my weekly post here... Glad that you all could stop by and visit!


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