Art Show in September

I am having an art show in September! 
If you are in the Boston area, stop in and say hi!


  1. Misty, good for you!! I am proud of you!! I wish I could come ;o) All the best my friend ;o)

  2. A million and more thank you's Stacy!! Thanks for giving me creative boosts when I needed them most!! xoxo my friend! (p.s. just because you can't come doesn't mean that you aren't on my evite list! Expect it in the next day or two! :))

  3. Cool, I am so excited ;o) Hey, where is that tree painting? Hugs ;o) Oh, and you are very welcome ;o)

  4. Cool! I wish I could come, but alas... no vacation, and on the wrong continent.

  5. I'll be on Boston in the wrong month (October) but I'll be thinking about you and your amazing ladies ;-)

  6. Hi Stacy, you mean in the etsy shop? Its not there yet... been so busy trying to organize everything for the show that I've neglected my little shop. Its due for a re-haul!

    Diandra, maybe I'll see you next time!! :)

    Aw Magaly, that's too bad... I think I'll be in California October or November! As I said to Diandra, maybe next time! :)

  7. So very, unbelievably proud of you. I'll be there with my camera all charged up. No ducking, I need my flickr page updated. ;)

    - Starlit

  8. BIG CONGRATS! Wishing much of fun and success!
    A shame, I can't be there :)

  9. Ok, I will wait, till you redo your Etsy shop, thanks Misty ;o) I understand! I am so excited about your show!

  10. congratulations and strong wishes for great success.
    way to go!

  11. I wish I could be there too Misty!!!! Maybe one of these fine days!!! There's always opportunity somewhere around the corner!! I have no doubt you're gonna have an awesome show!!! Go get'em!!!!

  12. Hi Misty! I found you through Stacy!Congrats on your show coming up, I'm sure you'll do great! I love your art! Deb

  13. Me too, Stacy! yay! Thanks so much!!! :D

    Thanks Joss! I appreciate it! I'll be in touch with you soon about your drawing! :D

    Roger, one of these fine days for sure!!! Thank you! :D

    Hi Deb! Welcome! Please have a seat and make yourself at home! :)


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