creative spaces

My art show is next week, so this week my creative space is filled with all sorts of different things: touch-ups to paintings, framing, greeting cards, art prints, glossing ceramic art tiles (4x4 in size), and filling jewelry stock of necklaces and earrings (scrabble tile size).  whew!  It's been busy around here but so worth it! Hope to see you at the show! :)


  1. hahaha, if only you could see the art chaos surrounding it! ;)

  2. Oh! Lovely! It looks like a lot of fun having an art show :) I hope I will have the chance to do one some day! Good luck with that!

  3. Your paintings look amazing! All the best with your art show.

  4. Amazing!!! I am so happy for you!!! Make sure to take lots of pictures, if you can ;o) All the best my friend ;o)

  5. I hope you'll enjoy it and have a great time selling your marvellous art!

  6. These all look so incredibly colorful and fun! I am sure your show will be a huge success...Best of luck!


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