blast from the past

When I was 22 years old, I moved from California to Boston by riding a greyhound bus.  I gave away all my belongings (my music, my books, my art) because I was only taking 3 bags with me.  As a result, I have none of the art I created during those earlier years.  Luckily, one of my college girlfriends has kept one of the paintings I gave her and a few days ago she took a photo.  Blast from the past!



  1. That is really cool!! I like the way you did his cap/hat.

  2. Misty, this painting is amazing! I agree with Donna, very cool!!!!

  3. Thanks Donna! Thanks Stacy!! :)

  4. Now that's INSPIRATION!!! And moving on your own with only 3 bags!!?? Wow!! Women that don't let nothing stop'em!!! My wife is like that too!! At such a young age she was doing things on her own when other girls didn't know how to feed themselves!! True inspiration, and determination!!! Keys to success!!

  5. I think you need to revisit some drawings/paintings like this! There's such a great look to it!


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