
Showing posts from September, 2011

Art Show

Many thanks to everyone that attended my art show!! I sold some things and met a lot of really great people!!! :) Here are some photos we took before of the set-up... (the photographer is working on the photos of the actual event, to be posted soon) A toast at the end of all the hanging and organizing... I ♥ these girls!!!! They are ZE best!! ♥♥  

Happy Birth Day Stacy Magic Love Crow! :)

A very merry Birth Day to you, my friend!!! ♥

creative spaces

My art show is next week, so this week my creative space is filled with all sorts of different things: touch-ups to paintings, framing, greeting cards, art prints, glossing ceramic art tiles (4x4 in size), and filling jewelry stock of necklaces and earrings (scrabble tile size).  whew!  It's been busy around here but so worth it! Hope to see you at the show! :)

blast from the past

When I was 22 years old, I moved from California to Boston by riding a greyhound bus.  I gave away all my belongings (my music, my books, my art) because I was only taking 3 bags with me.  As a result, I have none of the art I created during those earlier years.  Luckily, one of my college girlfriends has kept one of the paintings I gave her and a few days ago she took a photo.  Blast from the past!  

swimming with the sun

Watercolors (one is a photograph and one is a scan of the same painting)

Love Scream Update

My "love scream" on wood has had a touch-up. before after:   

Human Kokopelli Dancer on Wood

This is a mixed media painting on wood... 14 x7 inches Once I finished her, she reminded me of a kokopelli, so thats what I named her. :)   Ko-ko-pel-li (kô kô pel´ lê) n. {der. Hopi “kokopilau” (koko = wood, pilau = hump)} the humpbacked Flute Player, mythical Hopi symbol of fertility, replenishment, music, dance, and mischief. (description from )

dancing with myself

Acrylics on watercolor paper 11x14 outlined in gold glaze (not picked up in the scan above but this was a photo I took of it during wip)