Witches in Fiction Blogoversary Party


Are you here to party with me?

I'm inviting you to kick up your heels and celebrate your inner witchy-poo!

How, you may ask? 

Magaly Guerrero is throwing a Witches in Fiction 2nd Blogoversary Party and you can find out more about it by clicking here!

Don't worry about being late because the party starts today (April 13) and will last until May 1st!

In the spirit of all things mystical and magical, I have some offerings for you.
Both were created by me for this blog party and I invite you to join in!

She sets out in flight
to take on her plight
Amongst the moonlit sky
her secrets lie...

This witch is on a 4x6 board and can either be framed or propped up in its plastic sleeve. :)


"Bewitched" as she is known to her friends:
She is so pleased to have her hands on her "precious" once again...
With it, she can do anything, be anyone, go anywhere!

What is in that crystal ball, exactly?  Well, my friends, that is up to you.
It is whatever you truly desire... what you envision!

** If you would like to have one of these witches as your very own, please leave a comment. :)
** On May 2nd, I will do a random drawing for the giveaway.  :)
** Don't forget to visit Magaly and the other Wicked Darlings (click here)


  1. They are beautiful and I was enchanted by your words! I'm so excited! I knew the party was going to make me very happy because I love celebrating everything witchy, but I had no idea it would bring this kind of goodness. This post will be added to today's digest, which I'll post tomorrow morning.

    I'm crossing my fingers for these pretty witches!

  2. Yay! :D
    I'm very excited too!
    Thank you for creating your wicked party!!

  3. Hi Misty :) Great artwork!! I'll throw my name in the (witches) hat too, that little cat holding on to the end of the broom is so sweet & love the moonlit silhouette ;) Thanks for calling by dropping your name in my hat as well, hope the trance my little witch tried on you isn't permanent LOL!!

  4. Hello Misty...These are really cute...I'm really loving the black cat...I can't wait to see what else you have in your witchy bag of tricks!
    Please count me in!

    Many Blessings...Deborah

  5. Misty, great work my friend ;o) Love both of your art pieces! And, of course, I would love to own one of them too ;o) And, very interesting words at the end! Made me think ;o) Take Care My Friend ;o) Hugs ;o)


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