Thief of Sleep - Rumi

Thief of Sleep (work in progress)

Inspired by:

When the sweet glance of my true love caught my eyes,
Like alchemy, it transformed my copper-like soul.
I searched for Him with a thousand hands,
He stretched out His arms and clutched my feet.

From Thief of Sleep
by Rumi
Translated by Shahram Shiva

Original sketch:

Drawing in its current status:

color scheme I have in mind (digitally colored):
Other coloring schemes that didn't make the cut:


  1. Very cool Misty!!! Very sexy!! I like ;o)

  2. Such a complicated and deep poem and you made it very beautiful and touching with the drawing!!! BRAVO!!!

  3. Thank you Stacy!

    Oh Nancy, i heart you for knowing how to delve deep into many things including poetry! :)


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