Happy Earth Day & Wake Up The Earth Festival 2012

Happy Earth Day!!!! 

(and ♪ happy birthday ♫ to me! ♥)

I will be with my art goodies at the Wake Up The Earth Festival being held in Jamaica Plain, MA on May 5 (rain date May 6).  This festival has been held for over 30 years (though this is my first time attending). Let your inner hippie come out and come be crunchy granola with me!  I'd love to see you!

In the spirit of celebrating Mother Earth:


  1. Hey Misty ;o) So great to see you! This festival sounds like so much fun! Wish I could come ;o) I love your art and I hope to see more ;o) Especially in your shop ;o) Hugs ;o)

  2. Oh, I forgot, HAPPY BIRTHDAY :O)))))))))))

  3. :-) WUTE 2012 is going to be awesome!!! Cannot wait! The drawings are beautiful...will they be displayed this Saturday? They most def should even though they are in progress!!!

  4. Thanks Stacy!!! Happy to see you! :) Wish you could come too! :) Sorry my shop is bare for the moment but I promise to work on that next month! :)

    Nancy, dont think I'll be bringing these as they are in progress but will work on them soon! :)


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