Creative Spaces (in progress)

This week's space in my creative life include some happy packages for the nieces of one of my bestest friends, a happy watercolor painting and a happy chalk dancer.  Take a peek, say hi and visit other creative spaces here

The happy packages included tile necklaces, matted art prints and bookmarks for 3 little girls:

Painting this made me happy for no reason at all...
watercolor paints on 12x14 canvas
the work in progress stages:

and lastly, a chalk and oil drawing on 14x17 paper that I am a bit unsatisfied with and need to continue working on...

Thanks for visiting! :)


  1. woa! i like this! so pretty and creative and colorful.

    = )

  2. Hi there! What a nice creative space! I immediately clicked on that link on my creative spaces when I saw your colorful drawing of that girl with red hair. These colors work excellent together! I also really love the leopard :) I know three girls that will be very happy :D

  3. Hi and thanks Jello!!! Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to read your comment. :D ♥

    Hi Halina, thanks for stopping in! So happy to hear you like the girl with red hair, I imagined the colors in my head when I did the sketch so I am pleased they came out so well. :) I see a drawing on your blog that reminds me of her. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. MeOw! Er, thanks Crowing Crone Joss! :D

  6. Lucky girl, I'm sure she'll be swimming and flying in smiles; everything looks so great.I love your fiery girls; must get my own soon ;)

  7. Hiya Lady!

    Awesome packages, love seeing them finally all put together! What a great idea - do the girls love kitties the way you do?


  8. Oh, what beautiful gifts!! Love everything Misty ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  9. Oh, those packages would make me very happy :) The colors, the joy and all the beautiful details you put into them, wonderful Misty :)

  10. Hey MB! Love the happy packages for the birthday girl! :) Sweet. Just wondering if you could please drop me an email at seaweedandraine(at)gmail(dot)com so I can send you the details for the sunshine in the mail swap.
    Ta! :)

  11. Thanks very much ladies! :) :)


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