One World One Heart 2011

(see original post here)
~This post will remain at the top of my journal until Feb. 17, 2011~

Hello all,
I am participating in a worldwide blogging event between January 30-February 17.
It is a fun and creative way for people to share blogs and introduce themselves. In addition, it is also a giveaway with 'door prizes' in each blog!! :) 

Before I tell you about my door prizes, I'll tell you a little bit about myself.  I am currently 35, live in Boston and have been a shy closet artist for most of my life because I was always afraid my art wouldn't be considered "good enough"...  I would cringe at criticism and the most negative comments would crush me so deeply that I wouldn't do any art for long periods of time.  The past few years have changed that.  Thanks to the encouragement and support of people close to me along with the wonders of the internet, I am becoming more and more confident in sharing.  So here I am. :)  I primarily use my blog to post my art pieces that I'm working on, so most posts are works in progress.  I do enjoy feedback and am learning to accept negative comments as part of the process of being an artist. 

I hope you enjoy your visit of my blog (though I am considering switching to blogspot, any advice/suggestions are welcome)! And if you leave a comment on this post, you will be entered for a door prize...

My door prizes are as follows:

1.  A matted art print.  This is an art print of one of my paintings that I have mounted and signed.  It is a 4x6 print in an 8x10 mat

2.  A set of 2 greeting cards of my art prints, with envelopes, 4x5 in size.

To win a prize, all you need to do is have an active blog (any blog) and leave a comment.  I shall put all names in a bowl and draw out 2 winners. If you do not have a livejournal blog, make sure you leave me an email address or a way for me to contact you.  This event closes February 17th.  Thanks for visiting! Happy blogging! :)

Find out more about this event here

I am # 735 One World One Heart 2011 List
I was responding to all my comments at first until I realized my responses wont get to most of you that dont have a livejournal account.  Now I will respond to you at your blog, thanks! :)


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