
Showing posts from February, 2011

new place to call home

hola! I was recently involved in the One World One Heart journey al_bohemian/2010/12/annoucning-the-fifth-a nd-final-one-world-one-heart-event-.html (what a fantastic and fun whirlwind) and quickly realized that EVERYONE had a blog here.  Mine was on livejournal and while some could leave anonymous comments, if they wanted to get more involved with me and my blog (following, leaving more comments) they had to have a livejournal account too.  Since 99% of the people already had a blog account here, they weren't going to go to livejournal, so I'm coming here. :) The transition feels funny though...   Not only that, I'm going to lose all my friends that look for me on livejournal. :( I've been anticipating this switch for a few months though, so I'm hoping it will go smoothly. Following are the previous posts I made on livejournal that I transferred here for some background. :) Click here for the Livejournal blog

One World One Heart 2011

(see original post here ) ~This post will remain at the top of my journal until Feb. 17, 2011~ Hello all, I am participating in a worldwide blogging event between January 30-February 17. It is a fun and creative way for people to share blogs and introduce themselves. In addition, it is also a giveaway with 'door prizes' in each blog!! :)  Before I tell you about my door prizes, I'll tell you a little bit about myself.  I am currently 35, live in Boston and have been a shy closet artist for most of my life because I was always afraid my art wouldn't be considered "good enough"...  I would cringe at criticism and the most negative comments would crush me so deeply that I wouldn't do any art for long periods of time.  The past few years have changed that.  Thanks to the encouragement and support of people close to me along with the wonders of the internet, I am becoming more and more confident in sharing.  So here I...

hand hearts
