The very best part of me acknowledges and blesses the very best part of you. My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you which the entire Universe resides. -- Namaste 🙏 View other Paint Party Friday bloggers Here :) Find me on Instagram
August theme at Art Journal Journey is Count Your Blessings... I'm blessed to have a loving husband that has my back no matter what. I'm blessed to have caring, supportive friends that encourage me in everything I do. I'm blessed with sight, hearing, taste & smell as there is so much beauty in this world. I'm blessed to have a constant urge to create and access to the internet to share with others. I'm blessed to enjoy cooking and have fresh ingredients to cook with. I'm blessed to live in a city I love with so much to see and do and explore. What are you blessed with and thankful for? :) Join the Paint Party Friday here! Visit my ETSY shop here Send me an email here
Wow Misty!! Very powerful and striking! I don't know why I missed these posts, but I'm happy they are coming up now! Big Hugs!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Stacy! :D These were on back log and finally posted! Thanks for visiting and leaving comments! *hugs*