Mother's Day 2016 - May 8 Your Art Inc.'s Bazaar at Club Cafe Boston

Special for ArtWeek, join us for an artist talk and review artisans' slide shows and any other media projected on the walls during Into Your Art Inc.’s Mother’s Day Bazaar.The Bazaar will display and sell jewelry, accessories, ceramics, pottery, body & beauty products, crafts, art, and more from 12 to 15 artisans. This event is created to recognize and celebrate mothers through providing an art experience that showcases artistic works and products that mothers enjoy. Guests will be receiving 20% off Club Café Boston annual Mother’s Day Brunch. Guests can use, try on and/or buy artistic work or products at the bazaar and will enjoy Club Café Boston food and beverages.
Come by and say hi!! 

smile emoticon


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