ETSY Shop and Wake Up The Earth 2015 (WUTE)


Spring is finally approaching - this year it is especially welcome after the long hard winter we had.

With better weather comes spring cleaning and the effort of organization.
I spent some time in the art studio this weekend and pulled out some things to put in the etsy shop.  I have some canvas prints, some original art pieces and some new glass and rock/slate prints.

Speaking of Spring... the Wake Up The Earth Festival is happening in Jamaica Plain on May 2!  So excited!  Hope to see you there!


  1. I love your work! My dads an artist too. I've been trying to get him on Etsy. He says "make me famous after I'm dead"...he's bashful about his work sometimes lol.

    1. Thank you MilitaryPugWife!! Nice of you to visit and leave a comment! :) I am also bashful so I totally understand how your dad feels. Maybe you should create an etsy for him! The world wants to see what he's creating! :)


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