Creative Spaces and Swap-Bot Packages

Working on swap-bot packages... ☺
Some old, some new:

For Kaila in WV:

For Jamie in AZ (100 Blessings):

For Philippa in Australia:

For Tara in TX

For Amanda in MD:

Also recently put together a bunch of art cards to include in goodie bags
for the Wake Up the Earth Festival in Jamaica Plain ☺
Visit other creative spaces here

oh and on a sidenote (see comments)... for fun... a man ♥


  1. It's clearly visible you are in love with the human (female) form... ^^

  2. Diandra is right and it comes out of you in wonderful ways!

  3. ahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
    um, yeah... clearly visibly obviously apparently!
    Dunno how or why but its always been my main subject... My man asks why I don't draw him... oh, but I have!
    Just for fun, I'm posting him too! ;)

  4. Wow Misty, you are a busy young lady! I like your for fun "a man"! LOL! Have a wonderful day!

  5. You love to draw and paint women because they are full of graceful curves - men not so much - men are just more fun to look at!! I too only paint women. I love yours btw.

  6. Hi Stacy!
    Yes, I have been busy!!
    and it's been lots of fun!

    hahaha... A man! *gasp!*

    Yes, WoodWife, its the curves I'm drawn to... curves in general... I'm not a square or linear type of person. :) (and thank you for the compliment *giggle*)

  7. Hi misty...looks like you've been working hard! result looks great, i laughed when i saw the man! so out of the blue compared to your other work.....lovely strong drawing though!

  8. hahaha! Yes Eimear, busy busy! and so out of the blue is right... but I had to prove I'd done it! ;)

  9. Thank you sweetie!!!! :) Looking forward to doing a giveaway with you! :)


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