Aries Commissions

I promised a friend last October that I was going to complete a commission for her.
She asked for astrological drawings for each of her family members for Christmas.

I had good intentions and started them, but then the creative wall started crumbling down around me and I put them aside for months.

Fast forward to today.
May 2009.
Her twin brothers are graduating and she is spontaneously flying over several states to spend two days with them... soon one of them is going into the military.  It would mean so very much to her if she could take the drawings with her.

With little notice (2 days before her flight) I managed to finish the two drawings for her twin brothers and the one for her father.  Thank you Christina, for giving me the nudge of strong masculine Aries.  :)

Take a peeksie and feedback is always welcome.

I have REALLY got to work on my lettering...


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